Sunday, 23 August 2009

Scones on Sunday

It has rained all day today. :(

Scones in front of the fire on a Sunday afternoon is the only way to keep that summer feeling going now!

I'm not giving into Autumn just yet, I'm just having 'summer' afternoon tea in the sitting room.


  1. Those look delicious! Love all the goodies in your sidebar. I'm a big Fred and Ginger Fan! Hope you have a nice summer day tomorrow! Paulette :o)

  2. The scones look wonderful. They just might be a favorite of mine. And, having them in front of a fire sounds cozy. It has cool off some here and feels like Autumn. Maybe I make some scones and a fire myself. ;)

  3. It wasn’t like here in London, where it was so hot you felt like you where melting.
    But scones and a fire sound so cozy, I so much wish I had a fire, and it is defiantly going to be on my top 5 things to look for when we start house hunting :)

    Have a lovely week

  4. Yum! All round to your place then..... :O) x

  5. Yummy! I do love a warm scone. O.K. now I'm really hungry.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  6. I would love to put the fire on and have you all round for a scone warm from the oven.
    The kettle is always on at the wendy-house! :)
