Saturday 3 April 2010

Foodilicious - Julie and Julia

Mouthwatering movie!

If you have already had your fill of chocolate eggs and are looking for an alternative this Easter.......

Julie & Julia

is the most delicious piece of filmography!

If you love
a smattering of style
(not necessarily in that order)
you will LOVE this movie.

A definite flavour of Fanny Cradock!

Scenes from the sort of dinner party you definitely want to be invited to.

The images of Meryl's kitchen are just delightful.

I loved Meryl in Mama Mia and couldn't imagine she would be so utterly different in this role as Julia. She is surely one of our modern day screen greats.

Mesmerising images of fresh fish stalls without a single piece of shrink wrapped cod.

And finally, if you don't want to go straight home and make some bruschetta to eat with a good full bodied red wine......
well frankly, I'll eat my '1950's jaunty hat.'

Bon appetit
Happy Easter


  1. Loved this film, watched it on the flight back from New York.
    Ann x

  2. I loved this film!! I went with my daughter and her friend and friends mother!! It is a delightfully funny film!! My favourite part was when Julia's husband turned up and she had that huge pile of chopped onions and he nearly keeled over with the fumes!!! I bought the DVD too!!!
    Happy Easter.

  3. Ho visto il film, meravigliosa Meril, bravissima...viene voglia di cucinare...
    Buona Pasqua

  4. It was a fun movie and Streep is amazing, as usual; she always totally nails her characters!
